Wahid Ullah

Full stack Web Developer.
Farmgate, DHAKA · +8801765-153253 · wahid.ullah.cse@gmail.com

I am experienced in PHP, Laravel, Python, Django, Vue.js, Jquery, AJAX and MySQL. I love to update myself with the next trending technologies. My passion is solving problems.


1. Document Approval System

This project helps to manage documents with approval by a different kind of authority of an organization. This is like a digital e-Nothi system And it will help to send e-Nothi inside and outside of an organization.

PHP 5.6, Jquery, Ajax, Mysql

2. Ecommerce System

This project deals with developing an e-commerce website for Online Product Sale. It provides the user with a catalog of different product available for purchase in the store. In order to facilitate online purchase a shopping cart is provided to the user.....

Laravel 5.8, jquery, Mysql

3. Tutor Management System

This project deals with developing a community with tutor and student. A tutor can register and update his profile with education qualification and favorite subject which he wants to teach students. A student can choose a tutor to see their profile and hire this tutor and many more features are available in this project...

Laravel 5.6, Jquery, Ajax, Mysql

4. Job Portal

This project deals with the Employer and job seeker....

Laravel 5.7, Vue.js, Mysql

5. Content Management System

Typical content management system...

Laravel 5.5, Vue.js, Mysql

6. Complaint Management System

Django, Mysql



BD Army(IT Directorate)

I have created some Army Products with "Laravel" with the team. I also built some web apps with raw PHP and many other technologies.

January 2020 - Present



Development of Easy Policy, Online Advertaising Monitoring System...

March 2016 - July 2019


University of Chittagong

Bachelor of Science (Engineering)
Computer Science and Engineering
January 2010 - December 2015

Kuliarchar Govt. College


Emad Uddin High School



Programming Languages & Tools
  • Back End Languages: PHP, Python.
  • Back End Framework: Laravel, Django.
  • Database: Mysql, PostgreSQL.
  • Front End Languages: HTML 5, JavaScript, CSS 3.
  • Front End Frameworks and Libraries: Vue.js, Jquery.


I love travelling, Gaming, reading books and obviously learning new technologies.